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    Thank you for calling ___________. We'll be right with you! To better service you – please visit our office during Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. When you have insurance questions, please don't hesitate to call, stop by. We always have time for you, and our staff is trained to guide you through today's intricate insurance options….and … Don’t forget to visit us at our website! 


    Thank you for calling _____________. We offer a wide range of personal insurance coverages, including auto, homeowners, renter's insurance, valuable items, and umbrella liability policies. We are an independent insurance agency. We work for you, not for an insurance company. 


    Do you have a friend or a business associate who might benefit by using our agency? We appreciate receiving your referrals and your confidence in us. You can be assured that anyone you refer to us will be treated with the same personal service you have come to expect from ______________. 


    Did you know that you can save hundreds by combining you home with your auto insurance? _____________ can tailor a policy to fit your family's specific needs. One of our knowledgeable representatives will be with you to answer any questions, or to direct your call, when we return to the line in just a moment. 


    _______________ offers life insurance, financial planning and investment consultation and we have a very competitive commercial insurance department. Our knowledgeable and experienced full-time staff has grown over the past few years, and we have a dedicated and friendly team of part time support staff. Visit us at ____________________ to find out more about how we can help you 


    At Smith and Johnson Insurance Agency we offer a wide variety of personal lines of insurance to meet your needs. Whether you're looking for Life insurance for yourself, your family or your business, or you wish to insure your home, auto, or business, _______________ can help, with the right insurance coverage for you. 


    In the last year, have you changed jobs, gotten married or moved? With these changes, make sure you're have the necessary protection you need and contact the (insurance carrier) of ________________ for a free insurance review of your coverage today". 


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